Web Usability Blog

What’s in a name…

Written by Lucy Collins | Mar 17, 2015 5:05:47 PM

You may have noticed we have been a bit schizophrenic about what we call ourselves. We started life more than 13 years ago as ‘Web Usability Partnership’, became ‘WUP’ about 9 years ago and reverted to ‘Web Usability’ last year. The change back to Web Usability was driven by various factors, including that nobody ever knew how to say ‘WUP’: versions we have heard included ‘woop’, ‘wuup’ and the letters W-U-P. It didn’t help that we weren’t clear about it either…

More importantly, we suspected that Web Usability was a better name for web searches. And so it has proved: the number of cold enquiries has increased 2 or 3 times since the name change. To go along with the name change we have a shiny new ident: out go the orange blocks - in comes the

If you look carefully you can, hopefully, work out where it is coming from, unlike the blocks which no one really  understood… such are logos...

When it comes to company names I have always felt there was only 2 strategies, you either have a truly unique name which is Googlewhackable (but then need a big marketing budget to promote this) or the name should say what you do (which means you can be much meaner with the marketing budget!). So we’ve gone with Web Usability - as Ronseal would say, ‘it does exactly what it says on the tin!’