Most organisations now have web sites; however, judging by our experience, a lot of organisations don't have clarity about why they have the site and how they can tell if it's successful. For many, the focus is on what the organisation wants to communicate rather than on what the user wants to do on the site. This paper discusses why clarity about strategy and success will result in a more effective website.
Most intranets don't deliver what their users need: they may contain a lot of content, but most of this doesn't address users' priority goals. We see this on clients' intranets, which were originally set up 7 or 8 years ago because it seemed like the 'right thing to do', but have since been allowed to grow organically with no focus and direction such that users can't find what really matters to them. Why is it that we hear users say, for example "Oh, it's easier to ring up HR about that query because it's too difficult to find it on the intranet"?
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