Having successfully launched our brand new responsive website we are now big advocates of this method of website design, unless fundamental issues stand in your way. Some of our clients are keen to advance down the alternative adaptive route, which recognises when a smartphone is being used and pushes an entirely separate, mobile specific site onto the screen. However, these sites often have a reduced level of content, based on what are believed to be the key user mobile goals - insights gained from market research. It is thought by some clients that their target audience have different goals on their mobiles than larger devices.
User testing early makes site more effective and saves money
Web Usability has recently been working with digital agency Front Page doing early stage prototype testing on some designs Front Page is developing for one of their travel industry clients. We tested flat images linked together with simple hotspots to create a browsing experience. A number of issues - both strategic and tactical - emerged which will inform the continuing development of the site. By testing at this early stage the client saved money because no coding had been done and avoided the problem of 'invested effort' where designers and clients had become so attached to the designs that there was resistance to change. And the changes will improve the user experience and increase conversion. So win-win all round!
Topics: UX consultancy, Views and News, Wireframes
WUP has just launched a new rapid prototyping service to help clients develop usable website prototypes quickly and cost effectively. Developing new website prototypes often takes many months; this service reduces this to a few days. It is relevant for clients who wish to redevelop parts, or all, of their web site. It works as follows:
Topics: Wireframes